The Pius X "Warriors"The St. Matthias "Victorians"Class of 1970

The Official St. Pius X † St. Matthias Academy Alumni Information Site
Downey, California

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Pius X Class of 1970 - 55th Reunion Committee Meeting - January 6, 2024

Back row (left to right): Marcia Hepperle Hedberg, Rick Lewis, Cheryll Lewis, Mary Mies Wilkinson, Belle Pat Lampe Davis, Tina Riskey Pollock, Julie Zurek, Ron Zurek, Karen Coughlin Henkenius, Bob Fitzpatrick, Armando Gomez (Spouse of Sheila O'Mahony Gomez), Mike Pohlen; Front row (left to right): Maria De Natale, Lissa Alonzo Horne, Christine Niewiarowski Pohlen, Joyce Moshenrose Fitzpatrick, Mike Henkenius. Below Right: Tony Verhallen (Br. Henry).

Pius X High School Class of 1970 - 55th Reunion - October 18, 2025.  Location to be at the Pohlen's home in Downey. They have a large recreational room and outdoor patio that will easily accommodate over 150 people. The next planning meeting at the Pohlens is Sunday, February 16, 2025. Please watch here for further information. Go to our Web Site for the Pius X Class of 1970 for information and photos of previous reunions!

Jo Marie Agrusa Ramon A. Agudo Xavier Andrade
Theresa Apel Gregory S. Arcuri (RIP 4/13/2021) Olivia D. Arias (RIP 5/22/2001)
Patricia C. Augimeri Patrick D. Baird (RIP 8/3/2016) Thomas L. Barney
Nancy A. Battista Gary W. Baye John C. Bazz
Judy Ann Beck Carol Belna Kathleen Bergschneider
Karl Betz (RIP Jan 2015) Michele Bezuhly Robert J. Bilodeau (RIP)
Henrietta C. Binnendyk (RIP 1/13/2022) George W. Blay Linda S. Blemberg
Loretta V. Bollschweiler John H. Bonnar Patricia A. Boos
Gary D. Boudreau Guy D. Bourgeois Michael Bowermaster
Steven A. Bowman (RIP 2012) Eric C. Bradley Robert P. Brian
Cathy Brown Bruce R. Buell (RIP 11/4/15) Anne Catherine Butcher
Joan M. Butler Gloria E. Bybee Matthew K. Byrne
Gloria D. Cabrera Susan J. Cady Thomas Cannon
Randy Caillier Patricia J. Cannady Kathy J. Capalbo
Linda J. Cappitti (RIP 2/1/2021) Sharleen P. Carey Trinidad R. Carreon
Joanna R. Carroll Theron E. Carter Richard Cerda
Nydia M. Cervantes Mario Chavez † Kathleen Chellsen (RIP)
John Child Thomas J. Child Shirley A. Chirco
Anthony Chirco Debra L. Cimmino Janet Marie Clark
Kathleen R. Clark Susan E. Conlon Rick Contrucci
Lenone C. Cook Karen Louise Coughlin Timothy K. Coyle
Donna I. Csicsai Craig S. Culaciati Vincent M. de Meyere
Thomas T. De Mott Theresa K. Denardo Maria A. De Natale
Stanley S. Denning Carey J. Diskin Lawrence J. Ditchkus
Edmund Dmowski (NO EMAIL) Michael P. Dolci Jerome Domenici
Dennis M. Donnatin Daniel N. Dufek (RIP 11/25/2022) Rosemary J. Dunbar
Reno L. Earwood † Nina L. Edwards (RIP 1/5/2009) † Rudolph Escobedo (RIP 2/12/1989)
James F. Eyre Keith C. Eyrich Geoffrey E. Fagan
Catherine Fager    
Colleen Fager (RIP 2/7/2022) Lawrence D. Fallon (RIP 3/11/2022) Richard A. Fallon
Sharon S. Farkas Joan A. Fazioli Belinda S. Feliz
Thomas E. Ferrato Paul E. Figueira Maureen E. Fitzpatrick
Ramon D. Flores (RIP 6/23/17) Paul Ford Elizabeth Francis
Daniel J. Freeman Kevin A. Fruhwirth Therese M. Gain
Carolyn A. Gale Katherine M. Galich Kathleen L. Gallagher
Cheryll J. Gallegos Pamela G. Garant Arthur Garcia
Randolph R. Garcia Victoria C. Gauss † Regis V. George (RIP 1/22/1981)
Carl J. Gernazio Mary A. Gollner Patricia A. Greig
Susan C. Gunningham Foster R. Guzman George Guzman
Clyde J. Haluska Marlena M. Ham Anthony M. Hamrock
Peggy Harder Maureen E. Heckman Gwenifred A. Heidecker
Diane K. Heisler Nancy Diane Hendrickson Michael Henkenius
Marcia A. Hepperle Mike Heusted (RIP 2/22/2010) Michael S. Heyn
Rick Allen Hill Rosemarie E. Hobart Gina M. Hoferer
Ruben R. Holguin Dave Holland Jerry Hollman
Catherine D. Hopkins Michael J. Horney Dennis M. Hostetler
Christopher D. Howells Barbara A. Hughes † Barbara F. Hunton (RIP 1/1/1984)
Stephen Iacoboni Jeanette Jackson Laura J. Jackson
Jeffrey C. Jacobs Michael A. Jalbert Diane C. Jaurequi
Christine M. Johnson Kitt P. Johnson Jeffrey M. Jorgenson
Brian Joynt † Timothy M. Kane (RIP 2/18/2000) Nancy L. Karlovich
Patricia A. Kelleher Robert N. Keller † Michael G. Kennedy (RIP 10/6/1979)
Debra D. Killingsworth (RIP 4/12/2005) † Greg Kish (RIP 7/1976) Belinda D. Klamm (RIP 9/18/19)
Jane E. Knight (RIP 8/29/2023) Kevin L. Knowlton Ruthann Koob
Janet L. Koos Enrica A. Krasucki Dennis R. Laible
Belle Patricia Lampe Toni A. Lanasa David L. Landwehr
Ann C. Laner Mary Jo Lang Charles J. Lange
† Janan M. Lantz (RIP 2/21/2001) Mary D. Lavergne Mary C. Laws
James S. Lazzaro Michele Le Bourgeois † Phylis A. Le Bourgeois (RIP May 2020)
Rick Lewis Susan M. Lewis † Sandra K. Long (RIP)
Robert J. Lorenzetti Carolyn A. Lowers Ralph C. Lucci
Sally J. Lundberg Thomas G. Majkut RIP 5/30/2023) Rosemary J. Majoros
Steven A. Maldonado Richard F. Manarino Ludwig Marrone
Gregory Marrujo Barbara L. Marshall Deborah A. Maskell
Diane L. Mastroianni Jeffrey P. Mathieu Margaret M. McBride
Daniel J. McCormick Rick J. McCurdy Thomas E. McKinnon
Susan E. McPeak Francine M. Merlo Cynthia M. Metzler
Mary Frances Mies Dean M. Miller Dennis Patrick Miller
Marlene Monette William A. Montemer (RIP 7/26/17) Christopher A. Moore
Catherine L. Mormann John F. Morrison William J. Morrison
John E. Moser Joyce A. Moshenrose Daniel J. Mountford
Glenna K. Mulvihill Robbin M. Murdock Kevin D. Nagle
Michael R. Nagle (RIP 8/30/16) Rodolfo "Rudy" E. Navarro (RIP 3/13/17) Helene T. Nelson
Christine L. Niewiarowski † Lynne E. Noble (RIP 5/26/1992) Patrick O'Donnell
Sheila Marie O'Mahony (RIP Aug 22, 2014) Ann M. O'Neill Anibal Olmas
Darshel M. Ontkean Jose C. Ortal Katherine O'Shaughnessy
John K. Otholt Geralyn M. Overzyl (RIP 9/6/17) Michael J. Pagnotta
Norma L. Palacios John M. Panneck Pamela K. Parker
Madeline S. Pascuzzi David H. Pasino Michael E. Pearsall
James R. Person Angelo Picarelli Lari G. Pittman
Michael G. Pohlen Jeanne A. Pomroy Myrna G. Ponce
John F. Quintiliani Rosemary A. Raffa Shirley D. Ramirez
Ronald Ranier Rita C. Rausch Betty R. Reyes
Christopher C. Ricard Linda A. Riccobon Tina M. Riskey
Steven E. Rivera (RIP 12/20/20) Lorna Roberts Linda M. Rodriguez
Norma C. Rosales Clifton Tom Rose Yvonne M. Roy
Debra J. Rubeshaw (RIP 4/20/2024) Paul Russell Patricia Lynn Ryan
Jennifer K. Schneider Dan G. Schulte Dorothy A. Schultz
Walter L. Schwartz Walter P. Semczuk Richard A. Settles
Sheila A. Shah Ronald T. Shaheen Gregory P. Sheehy (RIP 6/18/2024)
Barbara Ann Shumake Paul M. Shurko † Fred J. Siddall (RIP 8/5/2003)
Armando Sivilla David J. Smith Deborah K. Sommers
Ann M. Spayd (RIP 8/20/2022) Lawrence P. Spillan Patti J. Stadler
Richard M. Stephenson Michael A. Stone Lynn M. Stoykovich
Kevin Joseph Sutlick Beverly C. Sutton Anthony Tanner
Anthony F. Tellers Patricia A. Tereschuk Debra K. Teryison
Michael J. Tierce † Donald Todd (RIP 4/8/1972) Sheila A. Truttman
Rosemary H. Venegas Victoria Venhouse Christopher Weber
† Sharon A. Webster (RIP 7/22/1980) Noreen A. Weinberg Mark Randal Whalen
Marsha C. Whalen Jan J. Widmer Janet Widmer
Teresa L. Wilkinson Donald J. Winters Charlene A. Worrick
Carol Yeno Kevin R. Young † Ronald R. Zamora (RIP 6/10/99)
† Valerie T. Zollman (RIP 5/27/1990) Laurie A. Zonker Olga Zuniga
Ronald C. Zurek    

Last update: October 2, 2024

St. Matthias High School

Theresa Alcala Gail Marie Alpaugh Maria Eulalia Alvarez
Mary Cynthia Aubry Victoria Azueta Patricia Anne Baert
Elizabeth Ann Barbosa Lorraine Marie Beal Mary Elizabeth Brown
Carla J. Byrd Marie de Carmen Carr Patrice Rose-Anne Casey
Leticia Castaneda Patricia A. Chapa Bianca Chavez
Mary Elizabeth Cicchillo Mary Magdalen Contreras Georgette Marie Cooper
Marilyn Cruz Marcella Christine Dorsey Sophie Irene Esparza
Teresa Facundo Patricia Ford Wanda Elizabeth Fortune
Theresa M. Galasso Elaine Galisky Leticia G. Italiano Galvan
Juanita Garcia Cynthia Gauthreaux Elizabeth Gibson
Jacqueline Luisa Gibson Cathy Griego Kathleen Theresa Griffin
Lydia Hernandez Teresa Herrera Esther Law Hing
Dolores (Lola) Iniguez Cristina Jimenez Bozena Helena Kohlman
Marie Carol Lewis Debra Billie Low Ida Lucero
Donna Marie Macke Rosa Gonzalez Manriquez Juanita Martinez
Sally Maricela Mata Margaret McHugh Ana Maria Miranda
Victoria Teresa Moreno Marylin Harue Nakamura Margaret Mary O'Connell
Victoria Ortiz Susanne Marie Patridge Anamaria M. Portugal
Carol Poxon Josephine Pulice Elvira Ramirez
Candace Reusch Esther Richards Rosemary Robles
Joan Roediger Marinet Romano Suzanne Marie Roper
Lydia Cecile Rosa Deborah Rubenacker Erin Russell
Rosaura Garcia Saenz Emerita Salazar Dolores Sanchez
Linda Sheila Schaefer Laura Sifuentez Deborah Ann Susi
Cecilia Terminel Karen Theresa Ann Terry Lorraine Torres
Irene Trejo Bianca Guerrero Trevino Maricela Ura
Patricia Vasquez Susan Watson Melinda Marie Helen Wells
Diane Williams Linda Williams Lucille Ann Wray
Christina Yaeger Nina Yaroma  

Last update: February 3, 2019

© 2004-2024 Ron Zurek